
Add Words to your Images

At Pinnable Business we’re fascinated about what sorts of images or videos get pinned (or saved) on Pinterest. We’re constantly looking for answers to questions such as: is it better to brand your image or does that discourage repins? We know that beyond the small details, what gets pinned depends on many factors. It’s a combination of your follower count, when you pin, and of course the image itself. One thing we’ve noticed is that images with words describing or marketing the image often do better than just an image by itself.
Let me illustrate with one of Pinterest’s most popular categories – food:
Here’s a french toast image that got over 80 repins – you’ll agree that it’s a great picture (it makes me hungry).

Now look at this image of french toast that not only has wording, but visual instructions.You’d still want to click through to get the text, but the image really sells the recipe well. It got over 1900 repins:

Here’s an image of fruit dip that got over 100 repins:

And now for an image that really sells the dip – this one has over 1900 repins!

And this doughnut shot got 11,000 repins and is branded:

You know what this means? Yes, the images on your web site should be branded or have words on them because people can only pin the images you provide. So test and find methods that work best for your company’s image.
Here’s a Pinterest board with over 55k followers and see her simple formula. All the fonts are the same and the blogger includes a URL on each image.
Your turn. What types of images have worked best for you on Pinterest?